Drush is one of the most useful command line utilities for experienced users administering a website on CMS Drupal 10. With its help you can easily clear the cache, enable a module, as well as solve problems with errors on the site caused by the work of modules.
The main difficulty is that not all hosting providers allow you to install the necessary libraries for Drush to work on shared hosting. However, if you are using cPanel software, in 99% of cases you will be able to configure drush yourself without technical support.
Procedure for installing Drush on Cpanel:
- Authorize in the Cpanel hosting panel at https://namedomain:2083 or via an SSH utility (e.g. PuTTY).
- If you are using Cpanel, look for the Terminal section. This is a command line analog that allows you to work with linux requests.
- Then execute the commands in the following order:
Navigate to your home directory:
Create a Drush folder:
mkdir drush
Download the Drush installer:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Setup command:
./composer.phar require drush/drush:dev-master
Adding an alias line to the bottom of your .bashrc file:
echo "alias drush='~/drush/vendor/bin/drush'" >> .bashrc
Reload your profile:
source .bashrc
Check Drush's performance with the command: