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  • How to install Drush on shared hosting with Cpanel

    Drush is one of the most useful command line utilities for experienced users administering a website on CMS Drupal 10. With its help you can easily clear the cache, enable a module, as well as solve problems with errors on the site caused by the work of modules.

  • How to programmatically add a title tag to Wordpress images?

    In Wordpress, when programmatically displaying an image through the the_post_thumbnail function, there is a problem with displaying the title tag, by default, when calling the standard function, we will receive only the alt tag. Since this parameter indirectly affects SEO, this problem can be solved in the following ways.

  • How to disable (remove) a module in Drupal 9

    Perhaps most users who actively use Drupal 7 use the checkboxes for each module in the general list to disable modules. However, in version 9, this option is no longer available.